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Axo in Fabula Christmas Set-Up

for Cappellini


After the installation "Amor fati" the worlds of Elena Salmistraro and Cappellini meet again, to realize that gesture, that choice, that change they wanted to tell us about, and they always do it in their own way, with great strength and great energy. 

This time, the inspiration for the project comes from Gianni Rodari and his thought, that is, to teach the world to children and adults through the use of the fairy tale. That fairy tale that, as Rodari himself said, can be found anywhere, even in a table, a chair or a sofa.

The fairy tale is that of Axo, an Assolotto, a particular species of salamander, very nice in appearance, changeable and able to regenerate like few others on our planet.

Axo is a rag doll, like those of the past, those that were sewn by grandmothers to make their grandchildren happy, using what they could find at home. 

A simple gesture but full of meanings, the project, love, fairy tale, reuse, a real teaching translated into play and passion. 

In this case, the fabrics are those of the various collections Cappellini that re-assembled, re-generated, give life to unique dolls in their coloring. Unrepeatable works of art, fruit of the eye of the child, who imagines fantastic universes, wonderful and better worlds, the world of the future.

The installation that recounts the genesis of the project is called "Axo in Fabula" and speaks to us of evolution through some abstract works, also made of fabric, similar to photographs, fantastic sonograms that immortalize the moments of growth, birth, transformation of Axo, from fabric/cell to doll/dream.

The works are hand-sewn by the Alice cooperative, also in this case a project of re-generation, new life, new beginning.

In the photo you can see the transformed installation on the occasion of the official presentation of Axo and the Christmas period.

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