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La voce di Idra 

for Interni Design Re-Generation Statale and Guglielmi


The theme chosen by Interni in 2022, for the installations that will be exhibited during the Milano Design week in the prestigious courtyard of the state university, is Design Re-Generation, a reflection on design as an attitude to improve our present and future.

The company that accompanied and supported me in this wonderful adventure is Guglielmi, a historical company in the field of taps and fittings, hence with an experience founded in governing water.

My work is made up of symbols, stories, references and quotations that I like to mix, overlap, fit together without a real rational method, an apparently random process that helps me to always generate new results, different from each other, and at the same time coherent with themselves.

In this, the elements, the guiding terms of my project were, Regeneration and Water. The first understood as rebirth, as radical renewal, and the second as a reference, as the fulcrum around which the entire composition revolves. 

Water, or as the ancient Greeks called it 'hydor', and the concept of Regeneration allowed me to create a formal and almost inevitable connection to the mythological Hydra, the many-headed serpent that Hercules had to face in his labours, capable of regenerating itself stronger each time.

At the same time, I thought it important to emphasize how this particular historical period is also a phase of transition, of change, of mutation of habits, styles and common practices. Our planet can no longer wait. I believed it was logical to represent this aspect by means of a portal, a symbol of entry, into a new and presumably better era, and of exit, from a past that has evidently made mistakes, even gross ones.

The end result is a Portal/Fountain, which, to remain in classical quotations, could be a modern, pop interpretation of the Lion's Gate of Mycenae, mutated for the occasion into the Hydra Gate. The work is made entirely of recyclable materials, and for the optimization of waste I preferred to work with wooden panels, concentrating on box-shaped forms so as to simplify the various processes, but still managing to maintain an interesting level of complexity.

La voce di Idra, that is the name given to the artwork, is dream and reality, change and interaction. It is an "ancient" artwork, like the myth it represents, but also a "futuristic" one, like the voice-controlled taps (smart technology) that become the tongues of serpents that dispense water at the sound of the voice, the voice of Hydra, the monster that for the occasion abandons its fearful and negative character and becomes a symbol of rebirth, fresh, colorful and playful, a source of life, of generation and regeneration.

Material: Wood

Dimension: 5, 50 meter high and 7 meter of diameter

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